"Hampstead Park:it's done actually!" dvd, 3'22'', 2005.
In a rather crowded London public park, the naked performer Mouse starts continuous relation with the park visitors, by offering them some “fresh coffee”. She is the star of the art video: she embodies the “feminine” icon of Moio&Sivelli. The video is innerved either by photo sliding that are accurately computed, and by moving images, filmed, also in this work, under cover: the artists were hidden to the audience, during the irreverent and risky performance of the London model, started on her awakening in a common autumn morning...
In un affollato parco londinese, Mouse , facendo sfoggio disinibito del proprio corpo , innesca continue relazioni con i visitatori , offrendo loro del "fresh coffee".
È lei la protagonista del video che meglio incarna
l ' icona al "femminino" di MOIO&SIVELLI.
Il video presenta alternate sequenze di fotografie,
accuratamente rielaborate, ed immagini in movimento,
girate anche stavolta furtivamente, durante la rischiosa ed
irriverente performance della modella londinese, dal suo risveglio
in una comune giornata d'autunno....
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